Sharon Paster Biography

BA Brandeis University, Phi Beta Kappa, Fine Arts Concentration (1976)
College of Marin, Graduate Studies in Painting and Sculpture (2012)

Selected Exhibitions:

Sausalito Center for the Arts, Bay Area Figurative invitational show (Jan)
Cami Art + Wine, Calistoga, group invitational shows (Feb, Apr)
Marin Open Studios (May)
O’Hanlon Center, Mill Valley, juried national women’s show (July)
ICB/ART Winter Open Studios (Dec)

Art Market SF, Alessandro Berni Gallery (Apr)
Cami Art + Wine, “Mustard” “Cake” and “Winter” group shows
Marin Open Studios (May)
ICB/ART Winter Open Studios (Dec)

De Young Museum, Pictures of People, online juried show (May)
Crocker Museum, Sacramento, juried auction show (June)
Marin Open Studios (May)
Marin MOCA, juried auction show (Sept)
O’Hanlon Center, juried national Women’s show (Oct)
ICB Gallery 111, 3-person Figurative show (Nov)
Sausalito Bay Model, ICB group show (Dec)

The Artist Alliance/Jen Tough Gallery, online juried show (Feb)
Seager Gray Gallery, Mill Valley, CA, group show (Feb)
Marin Museum of Contemporary Art, national juried show (May-July)
Marin Open Studios (May)
The White Barn, Her Story in America, invitational, St Helena CA (Aug)

DeYoung Museum, San Francisco, Bay Area Art, juried show (Sept-Jan 2021)
The Artist Alliance/Jen Tough Gallery, online juried show (Aug)
Marin Open Studios, “The Human Spirit,” online show (Sept)
TEDxMarin Artist Showcase, online juried show (Sept)
UCSF Cancer Center, San Francisco, permanent group installation (Sept)
O’Hanlon Center, Mill Valley, CA, “Making Your Mark,” online national juried show (Sept)

Jen Tough Gallery, Benicia, CA, “Flora and Fauna,” juried group show (Feb)

O’Hanlon Art Center, Mill Valley, CA, “About Lines,” juried group show (May)
ICB Art Center, Sausalito, CA, “Amuse Me” group show (May)
Marin Open Studios (May)

Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA, ICB Artists group show (Nov-Dec)
San Diego Art Fair, Opus Collective, San Diego, CA (Oct)
San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA “Connect and Collect” group show (Oct)
Jen Tough Gallery Dogpatch Pop-up, San Francisco, “New Lands” invitational show (Oct)
Arts Benicia, Benicia, CA “After Dark,” juried group show (Sept)
Marin Community Foundation, 25th Anniversary Open Studios Invitational (Sept)
Bay Area Women Artists, O’Hanlon Art Center, Mill Valley, CA, juried group show (Aug)
Throckmorton Theatre Gallery, Mill Valley, CA solo show (July)
Mill Valley Chamber of Commerce, Mill Valley, CA invitational group show (Mar)
Simon Breitbard Fine Arts, San Francisco, Winter Show (Nov)
201 California Lobby, SF, solo show curated by William Torphy Fine Arts (July)
Marin Open Studios (May)
ICB Winter Open Studios (Dec)

The Studio Shop Gallery, Burlingame, CA, 2-person show (Mar)
Village Theatre Art Gallery, Danville, CA, invitational group show (Mar)
Bay Area Women Artists, O’Hanlon Art Center, Mill Valley, CA, juried group show (Aug)
Simon Breitbard Fine Arts, San Francisco, Winter Show (Nov)
Marin Open Studios (May)
ICB Winter Open Studios (Dec)

The Studio Shop Gallery, Burlingame, CA group show (Nov)
Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine, Las Cruces, NM, permanent library installation
Bay Area Women Artists, O’Hanlon Center, Mill Valley, CA (Aug)
Simon Breitbard Fine Arts, SF, Winter Show (Nov)
Marin Open Studios (May)
ICB Winter Open Studios (Dec)

Google SF Headquarters, 4th Floor Lobby (Nov)
Mill Valley Chamber of Commerce, solo show (July)
Bay Area Women Artists, O’Hanlon Arts Center, juried group show (Aug)
Stephanie Breitbard Fine Arts, Winter Show (Nov)
Marin Open Studios (May)
ICB Winter Open Studios (Dec)

Ruby Living Design, Mill Valley, CA, group show (Apr)
Marin Open Studios (May)
ICB Winter Open Studios (Dec)

Art Market, SF Art Fair, Stephanie Breitbard Fine Arts (May)
Sausalito Women’s Club, Centennial Invitational group show (Dec)
Marin Open Studios (May)

Marin Masters, Outdoor Art Club, Mill Valley, CA, Invitational Show (Feb)
Marin Decorator Showcase, Belvedere, CA (Feb)
Falkirk 100 Invitiational, San Rafael, CA
Marin Open Studios (May)

The Depot, Mill Valley, CA, solo show (Nov)
Noci Gelateria and Gallery, solo show (Oct)
Marin Open Studios (May)

San Anselmo Town Hall, San Anselmo, CA, solo show (Oct)
College of Marin Emeritus Center, Kentfield, CA solo show (July)
Editions Limited Gallery, Emeryville, CA (July)
Marin Open Studios (May)

Donna Seager Gallery, San Rafael, CA, figurative group show (Oct)
Falkirk Annual Juried Exhibition, San Rafael, CA (May)
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, Sonoma, CA, “Wet Paint” group show (Aug)
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, Juried Biennial
Hershon Hartley Design, San Anselmo, CA, 2-person show (Oct)
Marin Open Studios (May)

Marin Museum of Contemporary Art, Novato, CA, group show (Dec)
Marin Community Foundation, Novato, CA, group show (Oct)
Art League of Northern California Annual National Juried Exhibition (Aug)
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, Sonoma, CA, “Wet Paint” group show (June)
Hershon Hartley Design, San Anselmo, CA, 2-person show (Apr)
Marin Open Studios (May)

College of Marin Fine Arts Gallery, Kentfield, CA, 3-person show (Oct)
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, Juried Biennial
Napa Valley Mustard Festival, juried show (Jan)
Marin Open Studios (May)

Marin Arts Council Members Exhibit, Marin Civic Center
142 Throckmorton Theatre Gallery, Mill Valley, CA, solo show
Art League of Northern California Annual National Juried Exhibition (Aug)
Marin Open Studios (May)

Artisans Gallery, Mill Valley, CA, juried show
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, juried Biennial
Marin Open Studios

College of Marin “Faces of the Fallen” participating artist, traveling show
Marin Open Studios

Marin Open Studios

Mill Valley Art Commission, Mill Valley Community Center, 2-person show
Marin Open Studios

Marin Open Studios

Juried Art Auctions (Charitable Donations):
Crocker Art Museum, Juried Silent Auction (May 2022)
Marin Museum of Contemporary Art (2022)
San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, Connect and Collect (Oct 2017-2018)
Art for AIDS, San Francisco (Oct 2015-2022)
Lymelight Foundation, Lyme disease “Dart for Art” (May 2015-2023)
Hair-to-Stay Foundation, SF, Breast Cancer Treatment (2018)
CASA, Marin Advocates for Children (2016-2017)

Bay Area Artists, Jen Tough Gallery (2021)
Studio Visit (2021)
House Beautiful (Feb 2019)
San Francisco Magazine (Feb 2018)
Marin Magazine (July 2017)
Luxe Magazine (Sept 2017)
American Artwork, Alcove Books (2017)
Serena & Lily Catalog (May 2011-June 2017)
American Art Collector, Alcove Books, Juried Competition of New Work (2004-2016)
Macmillan Publishing, Macroeconomics Textbook Cover (2015)
Artwork, Volume 38, Issue 7 (Sept 2007)
Art of Northern California, Alcove Books (2003-2016)

Juror, Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival (2017)
Juror, Mill Valley Chamber of Commerce, Art Selection Committee (2016)
Board of Directors, ICB Artists Association (2015-present)

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